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Bob Casey Campaigns With Kamala Harris In Philly After Running Scared From Questions On “Border Czar Kamala”
August 08, 2024
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Pennsylvania United States Senator Bob Casey wants to have his cake and eat it too. Casey appeared with Kamala Harris at Tuesday’s Philadelphia rally. Casey’s appearance with Harris happened after Casey spent all of July and the first week of August running scared from Loomer Unleashed’s questions about his support of Harris’ job as Biden’s Border Czar and Harris’ crazy policies of defunding the police and abolishing ICE. Bob Casey believes that he can embrace Harris’ craziness while, at the same time, attempting to sell himself as a “moderate” to secure votes from Pennsylvania moderate and swing voters, which he needs to win reelection. However, the facts make clear that there is no such thing as a “Moderate Democrat” in Chuck Schumer and Kamala Harris’ United States Senate. It is essential that Pennsylvania voters not fall for Casey’s tricks as Pennsylvania will play a key role in deciding control of the United States Senate and White House.

During Kamala Harris’ Tuesday rally in Philadelphia, Bob Casey told the crowd, “Vice President Harris over and over again has proven that she is ready to serve as our President and our Commander and Chief on day one.”


Last week, Bob Casey had a different tone on Kamala Harris, as he ran scared into the offices of the United States Senate after we asked him:

Loomer Unleashed: How is it going, Senator Casey?”

Casey: “Hey.”

Loomer Unleashed: “Should Joe Biden resign? Has Kamala Harris done a good job with Biden’s open borders, considering she is Biden’s ‘Border Czar’? Oh, one more question before you get inside: Do you agree with Kamala Harris that we should defund the police and abolish ICE? Would you like to comment, Senator?”

Laura Loomer captioned Senator Casey’s cowardice by refusing to answer our questions that Pennsylvania voters would love answers to, “Today, @LoomerUnleashed @TheCharlesDowns confronted Pennsylvania Democrat Senator Bob Casey @SenBobCasey about his endorsement of @KamalaHarris for President. We asked him if he thinks @JoeBiden should RESIGN from the Presidency, and if he thinks Kamala has done a good job handling the Open Border as Biden’s “Border Czar“. Senator Casey also refused to say whether he agrees with Kamala Harris’s calls to DEFUND THE POLICE AND ABOLISH ICE.  This shouldn’t be a hard question to answer!  Clearly, this video proves that Bob Casey is a radical Leftist who wants Americans to live in unsafe communities ravaged by criminal illegal alien invaders and a defunded police force. We need Pennsylvania to go Red for Donald Trump and Dave McCormick this November to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!”


Pennsylvania will likely decide the control of the United States Senate and White House. It’s critical that Pennsylvania voters do not fall for Bob Casey’s “moderate” act, as there are no such things as “moderates” in Chuck Schumer and Kamala Harris’ United States Senate. Casey will always vote for and support Kamala’s crazy policies. A President Trump victory and Republican control of the United States Senate is the only way to secure our borders and restore law and order.

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I can share some expertise on the exploding pager issue. I am a battery expert, and also, simultaneously, a man, and so I have some experience with making batteries explode. It can't usually be done. Lithium polymer cells just burn, and it isn't easy to get them to get started. Metal canned batteries can explode, but trying to get them to blow up by just shorting them is iffy, not reliable, and you have to disable some safeguards, including the crimping of the can done to prevent it from building up pressure.

So, although the battery likely contributed some energy to the explosion, it didn't cause the explosion. I suspect that there was some C4 in a battery shaped can next to the real battery.

The amount of co-ordination and muti-disciplinary expertise involved in this operation is truly mind blowing. Hat's off to those who saw the opportunity, and made it happen.

Hang in there, Laura. We love you and support you, courageous patriot. ❤️💙🇺🇸🙏🏻🧸

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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown Refuses To Apologize For Downplaying The Springfield Illegal Immigrant Crisis

On Tuesday, Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown refused to apologize for downplaying the illegal Haitian immigrant crisis devastating Springfield, Ohio. Last Friday, Senator Brown pushed the “Springfield Bomb Threat Hoax” on his X account. The “bomb threats” turned out to be prank calls from a “foreign power.” In another post on X, Brown accused those speaking on the illegal Haitian immigrant crisis in Springfield of using the residents of the town as political pawns. On Tuesday afternoon, the Heritage Oversight Project posted a police report from Springfield, Ohio, dated August 28th, where a resident told authorities that their cat had been stolen and chopped up. Senator Brown had been on a media tour telling anyone who would listen that the illegal Haitian immigrants were not eating the Springfield residents’ pets. Last week, Senator Brown refused to answer Loomer Unleashed’s question, asking him how he would feel if an illegal Haitian immigrant that he voted to provide amnesty to ate his dog. Elected Democrats and the mainstream media have blamed Laura Loomer for amplifying the “conspiracy theory” that illegal Haitian immigrants are eating Springfield resident’s pets. It turns out that in relation to the ongoing crisis in Springfield, Sherrod Brown, Kamala Harris, and the mainstream media are the ones who are guilty of spreading conspiracy theories.

As he was leaving the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee and walking towards his car, Loomer Unleashed asked Senator Brown, “Will you apologize to the people of Springfield, Ohio, for downplaying the illegal immigration crisis going on there?”

Instead of answering our question, Brown slammed the door to his car. Laura Loomer captioned the video, “The Biden-Harris regime has imported over 20,000 cannibalistic Haitians who are now killing people’s pets and hunting domestic animals on the streets of Ohio. Ohio Democrat Senator @SenSherrodBrown voted to extend temporary protective status to Haitians and also voted AGAINST stopping the tax payer funded flights from Haiti to the US!! Senator Brown ran into a car and slammed the door to run away from our questions.”


Last Friday, Senator Brown pushed the “Springfield Bomb Threat Hoax” on his X account, posting messaging essentially blaming Trump supporters for the “bomb threats” that shut some aspects of Springfield down. However, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine recently stated that the “bomb threats” turned out to be prank calls from a “foreign power.”


On September 16th, Senator Brown ironically wrote, “This community (Springfield) deserves better than to be used as a political pawn.” Brown’s X post is ironic because Brown’s political party is guilty of using the people of Springfield as pawns, as elected Democrats are the ones who dumped 20,000 illegal Haitians into the town.


Senator Brown had also been claiming that illegal immigrant Haitians were not eating the Springfield, Ohio, resident’s pets. On Tuesday afternoon, the Heritage Oversight Project posted a police report from Springfield, Ohio, dated August 28th, where a resident told authorities that their cat had been stolen and chopped up.


Last week, Senator Brown refused to answer Loomer Unleashed’s question, asking him how he would feel if an illegal Haitian immigrant that he voted to provide amnesty to ate his dog. Elected Democrats and the mainstream media have blamed Laura Loomer for amplifying the “conspiracy theory” that illegal Haitian immigrants are eating Springfield resident’s pets. The media’s attacks on Laura Loomer amplified significantly after President Trump said at the debate, “They are eating the dogs. They are eating the cats. They are eating the pets of the people that live there.”


It is ironic how elected Democrats like Sherrod Brown and Kamala Harris blame President Trump and Laura Loomer for spreading conspiracy theories when the reality is that Brown, Harris, and the mainstream media are the ones guilty of spreading conspiracy theories about Springfield, Ohio.

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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin Refuses To Answer Questions About Kamala Harris’s Fentanyl Legalization Policy

For the second time in less than a week, Wisconsin United States Senator Tammy Baldwin refused to answer questions on Kamala Harris’s horrific policies of legalized fentanyl and open borders. Senator Baldwin ran into the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee building on Tuesday after we asked her what she thought about Kamala Harris’s fentanyl legalization policy agenda. We also asked Baldwin if she supported the job Border Czar Harris was doing with America’s borders. It is unfortunate that Senator Baldwin refused to answer questions on Kamala Harris’s policy to legalize fentanyl as the Harris-Biden DOJ’s statistics reveal that in Wisconsin, “synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, were identified in 91% of all opioid overdose deaths and in 73% of all overdose deaths.” According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, fentanyl is currently the leading cause of the opioid epidemic that has been ravaging Wisconsin for 20 years. It is also important to point out that according to the United States Border Patrol, a majority of the fentanyl ingredients are shipped from China to Mexico, where the fentanyl is then created and smuggled into America via our Southern Border. It is clear that Kamala Harris and her Senate Democrats do not care about supporting policies that benefit the American people.

We greeted Senator Baldwin as she arrived at the DSCC, “Hello, Senator Baldwin, how is it going?”

Baldwin: “Hi.”

Loomer Unleashed: “What do you think about Kamala Harris’s calls to legalize fentanyl? Do you support Border Czar Harris’s job with our Southern Border? Would you like to comment on the fentanyl question Senator Baldwin? It is really important.”

Before she ran into the DSCC, we asked Senator Baldwin one last time, “Do you agree with Kamala Harris that we should legalize fentanyl?”

Laura Loomer captioned the video of Senator Baldwin refusing to answer questions on Kamala Harris’s deadly policies, “Kamala Harris said she wants to legalize fentanyl, which will result in even more Americans dying because of Kamala’s open border. Kamala also supports giving AMNESTY to all of the nearly 20 million illegal aliens she and Joe Biden have allowed into our country over the last 4 years.  This is what @SenateDems support. Open borders and lethal drug use.”


In less than a week, Senator Baldwin has refused twice to answer our questions regarding Kamala Harris’s fentanyl and border policies.


Senator Baldwin’s silence on the fentanyl issue is horrific as according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, “Wisconsin’s opioid epidemic began more than 20 years ago. It started with the overprescribing of prescription pain relievers. When these drugs became harder to get for nonmedical use, heroin use increased. Heroin was more available and cheaper. Today, illegally manufactured fentanyl and other opioids are being mixed with other drugs. This mixing is the reason why opioid overdose deaths remain high in Wisconsin.”


The Harris-Biden DOJ statistics on fentanyl in Wisconsin are horrifying as well as they read, “In Wisconsin, synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, were identified in 91% of all opioid overdose deaths and in 73% of all overdose deaths.”


Kamala Harris and her Senate Democrats, like Tammy Baldwin, do not care about the American people. All the Left cares about is power. Elected Democrats believe flooding America with drugs and illegal immigrants gives them unlimited power. That is why the Left supports open borders and legalized fentanyl.

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September 12, 2024
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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: PA Sen. Bob Casey Runs From Question On Kamala Harris’s Calls To Legalize Fentanyl

Kamala Harris and her United States Senate Democrats continue to embrace destructive policies. On Tuesday, Pennsylvania United States Senator Bob Casey, who faces reelection in November, refused to answer our questions after we asked him about Kamala Harris’s calls to legalize Fentanyl and Harris’s job as Border Czar. Senator Casey eventually ran into the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee building to avoid our questioning. It is extremely telling that Casey refused to answer our questions on Harris’s calls to legalize Fentanyl, as Pennsylvania is one of the hardest states hit by the opioid epidemic. According to statistics from the Office of the Pennsylvania Attorney General, around 15 people a day are dying in Pennsylvania from overdoses. The facts are clear: Bob Casey cares more about supporting Kamala Harris’s horrific policies than supporting policies that are best for his Pennsylvania constituents.

Loomered Unleashed asked Senator Casey, “How is it going, Senator Casey?”

Senator Casey: “Good to see you.”

Loomered Unleashed: “It is always good to see you. Do you agree with Kamala Harris’s calls to legalize Fentanyl? It is a pretty big question, Senator Casey. Are you sure you do not want to answer?”

We continued questioning Casey, asking him next about Border Czar Harris’s open borders: “Do you support Kamala Harris’s job as Biden’s Border Czar and her calls to defund the police and abolish ICE?”

As Senator Casey refused to answer our questions, we said, “These are really important questions that Pennsylvania voters want to know.”

Before Casey ran into the DSCC, to avoid further questioning, we asked him again, “Do you support Kamala Harris’s calls to legalize Fentanyl?”

Laura Loomer captioned the video, “Clearly, this video proves that Bob Casey is a radical Leftist who wants Americans to live in unsafe communities ravaged by criminal illegal alien invaders, a defunded police force, a daily deaths from Fentanyl overdoses.”


Donald Trump JR captioned the video of Senator Casey refusing to disavow Kamala Harris’s dangerous policy agenda of legalizing Fentanyl, “Bob Casey recently couldn’t name a single issue where he disagreed with Kamala Harris and now he is refusing to oppose her plan to LEGALIZE FENTANYL. He is a rubberstamp for Kamala’s radical agenda!!!”


It is very telling that Senator Casey refused to answer questions on Fentanyl and open borders, as those issues are at the top of Pennsylvania voter’s minds. Fentanyl continues to be a significant issue in Pennsylvania as statistics from the Pennsylvania Attorney General show about 15 people are dying a day in Pennsylvania from overdoses. It is also important to note that most of the Fentanyl arriving in America comes from China and is smuggled into the USA via Border Czar Harris’s open border.

Kamala Harris’s open border and her calls to legalize Fentanyl prove that Democrats do not care about the American people. All the Left truly cares about is unlimited power, and Democrats do not care how many millions of Americans are unjustly harmed in their pursuit of it. This is all more reasoning for Pennsylvania voters to ensure that Bob Casey and Kamala Harris are handily defeated at the ballot box in November.

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