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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants from Africa, Bound for The USA, Bussed Around the Darién Gap in the Middle of the the Night
February 21, 2024
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An exclusive video taken from the Darién Gap, the piece of land connecting North and South America, shows a migrant bus transporting illegal immigrants from Africa who are bound for the United States. The bus driver became increasingly nervous after I asked him who was paying for the bus. The driver’s supervisor eventually forced me off the bus. The bus will make its way to Nicaragua, Honduras, and then to Mexico, where they enter the US via California or Texas. On Tuesday, I exposed that the Jewish NGO HIAS is helping set up camps in the Darién Gap. These camps are complete with maps showing bus routes similar to the bus that I boarded. This video is a firsthand look into Biden’s border disaster.

The bus stopped in front of the San Vicente Migrant camp in the Darien Gap to drop someone off. While the door was open, I hopped on the bus and started filming. I spoke to the driver in Spanish and asked him who the owner was, where he was going, and why he was transporting migrants in the middle of the night.


The driver refused to tell me who the owner of the bus was, but he confirmed the passengers were all migrants on their way to Costa Rica. All of the migrants in Darien Gap must pay $60 to get on a bus to Costa Rica, which is part of the route to enter the United States via the Mexican border.

The exchange became a little contentious as the driver did not want me to film and called his supervisor to ask him how he should handle my entering his bus. I was then asked to leave the bus. If allowed, I would have ridden the bus all the way to Costa Rica to expose this horrific human smuggling process further.


The illegal immigrants on the bus, who were en route to the United States, were literally fresh off the boat as migrants in the Darien arrived at the camps on boat. Several of the Africans on the bus were wearing tribal outfits. From Costa Rica, the Africans then go to Nicaragua, Honduras, and then to Mexico, where they enter the US via California or Texas.


I shared my video with a caption that read, “This is how the invasion is taking place. Don’t listen to the media when they tell you that it’s a conspiracy theory to say that migrants are being bussed around the world in the middle of the night. This is human trafficking caught on camera.”


Tuesday, I exposed a map created by the Jewish NGO HIAS, showing all the bus routes in Central America in an effort to help the illegal immigrants heading to the United States reach the Mexican-American border in a more timely manner. It is likely an NGO like HIAS is paying for the bus in question


This is not a conspiracy theory. Joe Biden’s open borders are leading to illegal immigrants being bussed around in the Central American jungles. Biden’s policies have created a dangerous national security threat that only President Trump can solve.



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October 26, 2024

The calls are working. Copy and repost on all platforms. Make go viral.

The constitution of America's government is violated from enemy players within, bad rhetoric full of shit.

Victoria Nuland's husband , Robert Kagan, that switched parties 2016 is thrusting with panic. Conservative Republican's party are fighting restraints that have been constructing primitive communist stakes against voting rights done by border invasion and using Ukraine as thier piggy backs. A authoritarian regime AGAINST the peoples land to breed break down within government and taking out currency. Believe it America.

Vp Harris's primitive slave farm culture is redirecting free will into her past slavery farms, her parents migrated as a business.

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October 25, 2024

Trump, Harris to Hold Dueling Events in Texas to Spotlight Key Issues https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/us/trump-harris-to-hold-dueling-events-in-texas-to-spotlight-key-issues-5747673?utm_source=andshare

Look at all the crusted vp Harris crimes that is molesting the United States of America's constitution.

Garland legislation is in contempt of the people.
That whiner vp Harris even threw slavery use in our san Francisco prisons against Black Men.
She hulted black men's legal judicial release from served sentencing to use them for fire men services, in California, at the Black men's slavery cost.
She really did this to black men. Look it up . Black men were legally arrested and illegally kept from release, using them for slavery, making them serve dangerous task.

Johann Sebastian Mock, Jr. with a new third panel

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October 25, 2024
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Mitch McConnell Groomed John Thune’s Disturbing History Of Embracing Open Border Policies

South Dakota United States Senator John Thune, who Mitch McConnell has groomed to take his place as Senate GOP Leader, has a disturbing history of embracing open borders. Senator Thune has a habit of crying to CNN’s Manu Raj about President Trump’s secure border policies. In 2019, Thune told CNN he was against President Trump declaring a National Emergency to build the border wall. Trump was forced to declare a National Emergency to build the wall after Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer refused to pass any bill in Congress that would fund wall construction. Senator Thune has also come out against President Trump’s statements about illegal immigrants destroying America, telling CNN, “My grandfather’s an immigrant, so that’s not a view I share.” Sadly, Thune has a long list of anti-Trump statements. On October 8th, 2016, Thune called on Trump to drop out of the presidential race. It is important to note that members of the Senate GOP will hold an election on November 13th to select a new leader. The establishment wing of the Senate GOP hopes they can retain power with South Dakota Senator John Thune winning the Senate leadership fight. The United States Senate confirms judges and presidential appointments. The Senate’s confirmation power is why it is critical RINO John Thune not become the next Senate GOP Leader.

Following then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer’s obstruction in Congress to fund President Trump’s wall construction, Trump was forced to declare a national emergency to secure the funds to build the wall. Most GOP members of Congress supported President Trump’s national emergency declaration. South Dakota Senator John Thune was the exception, telling CNN that he did not support President Trump’s efforts to declare a national emergency to build the wall, saying, “Frankly, I’m not crazy about going down that path. Inevitably, I suspect it probably gets challenged in court.”


Senator Thune has also come out against President Trump’s statements about illegal immigrants destroying America, telling CNN, “My grandfather’s an immigrant, so that’s not a view I share.”

Laura Loomer captioned Thune’s open borders embracement, “Thune is another RINO, and a softie on immigration who said, ‘My grandfather’s an immigrant, so that’s not a view I share.’ His own soft spot for his immigrant grandfather would prevent him from being tough on illegal immigration. We need a Trump loyalist as the next Senate GOP leader, not another traitor. The vote to select the next @SenateGOP leader is on November 13th, just 8 days after the Presidential election. We need @ScottforFlorida to be the next leader.”


Sadly, Thune has a long list of anti-Trump statements. On October 8th, 2016, Thune posted to X, “Donald Trump should withdraw and Mike Pence should be our nominee effective immediately.”


President Trump needs an America First Senate GOP Leader to ensure MAGA’s policies can be fully implemented. If John Thune can’t be trusted to lead on the critical issue of immigration, he can’t be trusted to lead on anything else, making it essential that Thune loses his bid to become Senate GOP Leader.

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October 25, 2024
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Vulnerable Democrat U.S. Senators Sherrod Brown And Jon Tester’s Biggest Donors Are Supporters Of Kamala Harris

Vulnerable Democrat United States Senators Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Jon Tester of Montana are in an awkward position. President Trump’s popularity in Ohio and Montana, combined with Kamala Harris’s unpopular policies, like her open borders, means that Brown and Tester have been attempting to sell themselves and their policies as “moderate” in a desperate attempt to win reelection. However, the facts show that Senators Brown and Tester are not the “moderates” they claim to be. FEC records show that the top two donors to Brown’s PAC and Tester’s PAC are also committed donors to Kamala Harris and the DSCC. Senators Brown and Tester are also supporters of Kamala Harris’s radical policies. Senator Brown refused to apologize after Loomer Unleashed asked him about his voting record that empowered Kamala Harris to flood Springfield, Ohio, with 30,000 illegal immigrants. Senator Brown also refused to apologize after Loomer Unleashed asked him about his voting record supporting men in women’s sports. Montana Senator Jon Tester refused to answer Loomer Unleashed’s questions about his voting record supporting men in women’s sports. Tester also refused to apologize after Loomer Unleashed asked him about his comments “You need to punch Trump in the face to prevent him from winning.” It is important to note that President Trump has made clear that Senators Brown and Tester are no friends of his. Ohio and Montana Trump supporters must vote Republican down their ballot.

Donations prove that Montana Senator Jon Tester and Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown are not the “moderates” they claim to be. FEC records show that the biggest donors to the Tester Victory Fund, James Pigott ($100K) and Greg Avis ($51K), are committed donors to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the DSCC.




Donors to Sherrod Brown are just as radical. FEC records show that the two largest contributors to Senate Victory For Sherrod Brown 2024 are Susan McKaughlin, $25K, and Anita Iglesias, $25K. McKaughlin and Iglesias are both committed donors to Kamala Harris and the DSCC.




Senators Brown and Tester are also supporters of Kamala Harris’s radical policies. Senator Brown refused to apologize after Loomer Unleashed asked him, “Would you like to comment on your voting record that gave illegal immigrant Haitians amnesty in Ohio? You voted to give them all amnesty, Senator Brown.”


Senator Brown also refused to answer our question, “Why did you vote to allow men to play women’s sports?”


Senator Tester also supports Kamala Harris’s radical policies. Tester refused to answer Loomer Unleashed’s question, “Senator Tester, why did you allow men to play women’s sports?”


Tester also refused to answer our question, “How is it going, Senator Tester? Will you apologize for your violent rhetoric against President Trump after you said ‘Trump needs to be punched in the face to be prevented from winning?”


President Trump has made it very clear that Senators Brown and Tester are not his friends. During his Montana rally over the summer, Trump said, “Less than three months from now, we are going to defeat radical left Democrat Jon Tester. He is terrible.”


On Wednesday afternoon, President Trump reiterated that Sherrod Brown does not support Trump or MAGA policies, “Kamala Harris’ sinking Campaign has become so TOXIC that Democrat Senators in four different States are using me in their advertisements, and stating that they are with President Trump on Tariffs and numerous other things. While it is a great compliment, it is not fair to those Republican Senate Candidates, Bernie Moreno, Dave McCormick, Eric Hovde, and Sam Brown, who are with me all the time. These Democrats have voted with Crooked Joe Biden almost 100% of the time. They only pretend to be on my side when Elections roll around. OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA, WISCONSIN, NEVADA: VOTE FOR BERNIE MORENO, DAVE MCCORMICK, ERIC HOVDE, AND SAM BROWN – THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE WITH US!”


It is clear that there is no such thing as a “moderate” Democrat in Chuck Schumer and Kamala Harris’s United States Senate.

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October 24, 2024
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President Trump SLAMS Radical Policies of Vulnerable Battleground Senate Democrats

Kamala Harris’s sinking poll numbers in battleground states are playing a significant role in key United States Senate races that will decide the control of the Senate. During a TruthSocial post on Wednesday, President Trump exposed the radical far-left policies of vulnerable Democrat United States Senators Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, and Jacky Rosen of Nevada. In recent days, Senators Brown, Casey, Baldwin, and Rosen have been running ads that attempt to sell the lie to voters that they support President Trump’s policies. Kamala Harris’s poll numbers seem to have become so toxic in Pennsylvania that Bob Casey skipped Kamala’s recent Pennsylvania rally. The reality is that Senators Brown, Casey, Baldwin, and Rosen have empowered Kamala Harris to impose some of her most radical policies, like open borders, onto the American people. Senators BrownCaseyBaldwin, and Rosen have all refused to answer Loomer Unleased’s questions about Kamala Harris’s open border policies. Senator Casey has also refused to answer our questions regarding his vote that empowered Kamala Harris to flood women’s sports with men. It is clear that President Trump is right. Senators Brown, Casey, Baldwin, and Rosen are no friends of his.

President Trump’s Wednesday afternoon post on TruthSocial exposed the fact that Senators Brown, Casey, Baldwin, and Rosen are no friends of MAGA, “Kamala Harris’ sinking Campaign has become so TOXIC, that Democrat Senators in four different States are using me in their advertisements, and stating that they are with President Trump on Tariffs, and numerous other things. While it is a great compliment, it is not fair to those Republican Senate Candidates, Bernie Moreno, Dave McCormick, Eric Hovde, and Sam Brown, who are with me all the time. These Democrats have voted with Crooked Joe Biden almost 100% of the time. They only pretend to be on my side when Elections roll around. OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA, WISCONSIN, NEVADA: VOTE FOR BERNIE MORENO, DAVE MCCORMICK, ERIC HOVDE, AND SAM BROWN – THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE WITH US!”


Not only is Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey running ads showing his “support” of pro-Trump policies, but Casey is also skipping Kamala Harris’s Pennsylvania events. While speaking in Erie, Pennsylvania, Kamala Harris said Bob Casey was not attending her rally because “he is out doing what he needs to do to get re-elected.” Kamala’s statement about Casey skipping her Pennsylvania rally is odd, considering that rallying with his party’s presidential nominee and other Pennsylvania Democrats would be the action Bob Casey would take if he wanted to get reelected.


The reality is that Senators Brown, Casey, Baldwin, and Rosen have empowered Kamala Harris to impose some of her most radical policies, like open borders, onto the American people. Senator Casey ran after Loomer Unleased asked him, “Do you agree with Kamala Harris’s calls to legalize Fentanyl? Do you support Kamala Harris’s job as Biden’s Border Czar and her calls to defund the police and abolish ICE?”


Senator Brown refused to take responsibility for empowering Border Czar Harris to dump thousands of illegal immigrants into Springfield, Ohio, “Would you like to comment on your voting record that gave illegal immigrant Haitians amnesty in Ohio? You voted to give them all amnesty, Senator Brown.”


Senator Rosen refused to answer our questions, asking, ” Senator Rosen, do you agree with Kamala Harris’s job as Border Czar? Also, do you agree with Kamala Harris that we should legalize fentanyl, defund the police, and abolish ice?”


Senator Baldwin also refused to answer our questions,  “Senator Baldwin, do you support Kamala Harris’s calls to legalize Fentanyl? What do you think of Kamala Harris’s job as Biden’s Border Czar? Do you want to answer Senator Baldwin?”


President Trump is right. Senators Brown, Casey, Baldwin, and Rosen are not his friends. As Kamala’s poll numbers continue to collapse, expect the Left only to enhance their policy lies.

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